painting in spanish verb
Pintura - paint painting art work of art pintar - to paint to paint to draw to draw to mark to look to describe to depict to count. Learn spanish art verbs with free interactive flashcards.
Verbo que no requiere de un objecto directo Él no llegó corrí a casa.

. Oil paint oil color. Many different colors are. Firefox and Chrome users.
A coat of paint una mano de pintura. Al cuadro se le suponía un valor aproximado de. Babla arrow_drop_down babla - Online dictionaries vocabulary conjugation grammar Toggle navigation share.
Intransitive To practise the art of painting pictures. Choose from 500 different sets of spanish art verbs flashcards on Quizlet. Install a shortcut Firefox or Chrome then type conj paint in your address bar for the fastest conjugations.
Picture frame chart square cadre. Learn this and more for free with Live Lingua. 2 decorating pintura f.
How to say oil painting in Spanish. Meaning and examples for paint in Spanish-English dictionary. To paint dye pintar.
Translation English - Spanish Collins Dictionary. Sabes en nuestro cuadro la gente pensaba que los había abandonado. Activity genre pintura f.
Over 1500000 translations. Indicative past tense participle present perfect gerund conjugation models and irregular verbs. La pintura Now you know how to say painting in Spanish.
Transitive To cover something with spots of colour like paint. The player remained in the paint for longer than three seconds so the referee signaled a violation. A rush of energy through the painting.
Fast and Easy to use. To paint conjugation - English verbs conjugated in all tenses with the babla verb conjugator. To study painting estudiar pintura.
More Spanish words for oil painting. In our painting people thought you abandoned them. Transitive To apply paint to.
More Spanish words for painting. I paint am painting. Verb not taking a direct object--for example She jokes He has arrived make a painting arte pintar vi verbo intransitivo.
Transitive To create an image with paints. Paint vi intransitive verb. French Impressionist painting la pintura impresionista francesa.
La pintura al óleo noun. 1 Art picture cuadro m pintura f. Oil C.
A clean and easy to read chart to help you learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb pintar in Present Progressive tense. Board box chart picture cuadro m the painting was thought to be worth approximately. 1 substance pintura f a 5-litre tin can of paint the boathouse was full of old tools paint cans and fishing gear some paints can take weeks to dry completely they saw some large letters in white paint the paint round the window frames was peeling we must do something about that peeling paint on the bathroom ceiling.
Painting - el cuadro la pintura. See the entry for painting. Computing To draw an element in a graphical user interface.
Painting and decorating pintura f y decoración. Conjugate the English verb paint. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations examples and word-by-word explanations.
Transitive To apply in the manner that paint is applied. Present participle conjugation of paint. Paint picture paintwork brushwork.
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